My experience with a company changed. Can I delete the old info I posted in the forums or reviews?


FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
My experience with a company changed. Can I delete the old info I posted in the forums or reviews?

Companies can fix old problems. Companies that used to be good can turn bad. Sometimes, what you wrote previously no longer applies.

This is what updates are for.

Under all but the most extreme circumstances, reviews and forums posts can NOT be removed from the Forex Peace Army website. The reason for this is the large number of companies which have used unethical methods to get reviewers to try to withdraw reviews and forums complaints. These included...

1. Withholding legitimately owed withdrawals and refunds. If your bank wasn’t processing a payment long enough for you to complain, do you think they could legally withhold the payment until you removed the complaint? If a company refuses to pay what is owed while the posts or reviews are on display, the FPA considers that to be blackmail. Please use the form below and describe the exact terms of this blackmail. Please include any evidence you have of the blackmail.

2. Threatening lawsuits. If a company really owes money, then a factual post about the money not being payed doesn’t seem like a good target for legal action. If you really want threaten to sue the FPA to hide what's been written, CLICK HERE for more info.

3. Threats of violence. There really are cases of companies making threats to harm their own clients and threatening to harm FPA employees to try to hide their other unethical actions. If you have been threatened this way, the FPA strongly recommends first contacting your local police. Also, please use the Contact form below get in touch with us and give evidence. If at all possible, try to get the threat in writing. Please check whether recording phone calls in your area is legal before recording phone conversations.

Because of actions like these, reviews can only be updated with a new rating. Submit a second review for the company using the same account. If your original review is old enough to have been a Guest review, make sure to mention that it is a followup to our previous review and give the name the old review was under. The original review will be nested under the new one. The full text of the original review will remain visible under the text of the new review. Only the new rating counts. If appropriate, you can set your new review to "No Rating" so that your reviews do not affect the company's rating at all. I personally consider a client changing a rating from good to bad or from bad to good to be a review worth looking at closely. How a company makes happy clients into unhappy clients or how a company makes an unhappy client into a happy client is very valuable information for potential customers.

Remember, no how great or terrible a company is, no matter whether or not you disagree with other reviewers, one trader gets one vote. Creating one or more additional accounts to try to vote multiple times is cheating. All the reviews tied to such and incident will be deleted.

Complaint threads in the forums can be declared as resolved. A thread only counts as resolved once both sides reach an agreement and any money owed is transferred to the client. If you have a thread in Scam Alerts and all the money owed reached your bank account, post an update. The thread can then be marked as resolved. Later, it can be moved from Scam Alerts to Resolved Issues.

If you've posted in the forums supporting a company that later scammed you, open a new thread in Scam Alerts to give details and update the other threads you posted in.

What if I want to say my good or bad experience is continuing?

This is permissible. You may submit a second or additional reviews for the same company, as long as you use the same user account. It's nice to see someone who left a good review come back a year or more later and say things are still going well. Sometimes it's also a good thing to come back after a few months and say that an ongoing problem still has not been resolved.

Once again, the second and subsequent reviews need to be from the same account as the original. Do not make extra accounts to try to add extra reviews to try to move the company's rating.

Privacy Issues

If you (the person who wrote the forums post or left the review) accidentally gave out too much of your own information, please use the form below. If the private information is in an attachment, please include a new version of the attachment with the private information covered or otherwise edited out.

If you left a review or forums post and feel your situation is truly exceptional, please use the contact form below. The company got better or worse over time is not exceptional.

If you have strong evidence proving a review or forums post is fake, please use the contact form below. Please remember that without convincing evidence, the FPA will not take action. Your word that something is fake is not evidence. Many people post under pen names, so the person's name not being in a company's client list is not strong evidence.

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A company offered me money or some other incentive to leave a review or post about the company in the forums. CLICK HERE to let the FPA know.

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PLEASE REMEMBER: This form is only for the poster's request under exceptional circumstances, to report information about blackmail or threats as requested above, or to request edits specifically related to the poster's privacy. Please include a link to the page the post or review is on and the name displayed on the post or review to make it easier for the FPA to check on the issue.

Paying what is owed is what companies should do. Paying what is owed is not an exceptional circumstance and will not result in the facts of what happened disappearing. Paying what is owed just means the person who complained should report the situation as resolved by leaving a followup post or review.

Review or Forums Post Removal Request
