faq companyquestions

  1. AsstModerator

    How can company representatives avoid false positives for AI usage in rep replies?

    How can company representatives avoid false positives for AI usage in rep replies? How was the problem noticed? In 2023, I started noticing text generated from Chat GPT and other AI bots in many posts to the forums and also in some newly submitted reviews. AI-written text is often used for...
  2. AsstModerator

    Can A Company Ask Clients To Leave Reviews?

    Can A Company Ask Clients To Leave Reviews? Within certain limits, yes. Before you tell your marketing department to go wild, read the rules carefully. 1. Even if employees also use the service or product, they are NOT permitted to leave a review. When my moderators catch a company...
  3. AsstModerator

    How can I update my Broker Details and related information on my company's review page?

    How can I update my Broker Details and related information on my company's review page? Get Registered and Connect Your Account If you don't have one already, you will need a company representative account. This starts with creating an FPA Forums account, preferably at the same domain as the...
  4. AsstModerator

    Is it possible to have a disclaimer added to my company's review page?

    Is it possible to have a disclaimer added to my company's review page? Generally, yes. The FPA has an optional disclaimer display area available for review pages. When it's filled in, the text is displayed near the bottom of the page. Please be aware that a disclaimer is not an...
  5. AsstModerator

    My company representative question isn't covered anywhere in the FAQ.

    Company Representative questions not answered in the FAQ. First, be very certain the question you are asking isn't already answered in the FAQ. If you ask something that's already clearly answered, the most you will get is a link to where the question is answered. If you are CERTAIN that your...
  6. AsstModerator

    How can I update or restart my Performance Test?

    How can I update or restart my Performance Test? Did your broker change your MT4 server? Did the password change? If so, please use the form below. Please fill in all the information and mention which information changed in the text box at the end. If you are restarting a test, you may also...
  7. AsstModerator

    I submitted an account for Performance Testing. How long does it take to set up?

    I submitted an account for Performance Testing. How long does it take to set up? It usually takes about a week. If there are any questions, someone in Testing should get back to you. If you submit an account for Performance Testing, haven't heard back from the FPA, and it's been more than 10...
  8. AsstModerator

    What can I do if the FPA itself wrote something about me or my company which I think is unfair?

    What can I do if the FPA itself wrote something about me or my company which I think is unfair? First, check carefully. Most things the FPA is accused of writing were really written by reviewers and forums members. If that's the case, you need to CLICK HERE for more information about dealing...
  9. AsstModerator

    The FPA WILL remove that bad information about me or my company or I WILL sue the FPA

    The FPA WILL remove that bad information about me or my company or I WILL sue the FPA The Forex Peace Army has never removed one word because just because someone boldly waved a magic lawsuit stick. You may want to see some proof this scare tactic doesn't work. Think about this. Do you really...
  10. AsstModerator

    What are the requirements to qualify for Performance Testing?

    What are the requirements to qualify for Performance Testing? First, your company needs to qualify for a review page at the FPA. If there's already a review page, then this isn't a problem. If there is not a review page, there is one primary restriction. The company needs to own its own...
  11. AsstModerator

    Can the FPA give me a call?

    Can the FPA give me a call? The advertising department generally does all communications by email. For forums and reviews questions, the answer is No. The only exception to this rule is inquiries by regulators and law enforcement officers. Every now and then, one of them contacts the FPA...
  12. AsstModerator

    Can I post ads in the Forex Peace Army forums?

    Can I post ads in the Forex Peace Army forums? The Forex Peace Army permits ads and other commercial postings, but only in the proper areas. With a few special exceptions, all of these are inside the Commerce Zone section of the forums. Examples: Company representatives may post Press...
  13. AsstModerator

    How can the description at the top of the review review page be updated?

    How can the description at the top of the review review page be updated? The Forex Peace Army has begun adding short descriptions of companies to some review pages. These are not for the purpose of promoting a company. The contain 3 or 4 sentences telling a few facts about a company. The...
  14. AsstModerator

    Hey Dude, Where’s My Review?

    Hey Dude, Where’s My Review? NOVEMBER 2023 UPDATE - BIG CHANGES ARE BEGINNING Some of you have already noticed that a handful of sites are only showing 1 page of reviews or else have a "Show More Reviews" option to show 1 or 2 more sets of reviews. Very few people ever click to see the 2nd...
  15. AsstModerator

    Company Representative Questions

    Questions about representing your company at the Forex Peace Army What can the FPA do for my company? How do I advertise at the FPA? How do I contact the ad department? Does the FPA accept partnership offers? How can I become a company representative in the FPA's forums and reviews? How...
  16. AsstModerator

    What happens if a company is caught leaving client reviews or forums posts for itself?

    What happens if a company is caught leaving client reviews or forums posts for itself? The FPA considers "self-reviewing" to be a very serious offense. This practice is illegal in the US and many other countries. It is unethical everywhere. NOTE: This also applies to company employees...
  17. AsstModerator

    My company’s clients tell me they left reviews that didn’t show up. What can I do?

    My company’s clients tell me they left reviews that didn’t show up. What can I do? First, be patient. Reviews can take up to 2 business weeks to get approved. You want your client reviews to be approved quickly. Do you want your competitors to have an easier time trying to put fake negative...
  18. AsstModerator

    How can I become a company representative in the forums and reviews?

    How can I become a company representative in the forums and reviews? Currently, the forums and reviews require separate registrations. Forums Representative To become a rep in the forums, first make an account like any other member. If possible, please use an email address at your company's...
  19. AsstModerator

    What is the minimum account balance to start a Performance Test?

    What is the minimum account balance to start a Performance Test? If this is your first time volunteering, the minimum live account opening balance for EAs is $50. For Managed Accounts and Signals services, the minimum is $500. This is money which must be deposited, not bonuses or any other...
  20. AsstModerator

    How does my company volunteer for Performance Testing?

    How does my company volunteer for Performance Testing? If your company offers one or more EAs, Signals, or Managed Accounts, you can volunteer for Performance Testing at the Forex Peace Army. You'll need to provide the FPA with investor access to a live MT4 account on an acceptable broker...